Astrobiology – the origin of life

November 22, 2022 0 Comments 0 tags

Stanford’s Roger Blanford is working on a model to explain the origin of biological homochirality. In this October 2022 article, Professor Blanford writes that we do not know how biological

Penn Physics, Image Database

November 16, 2022 0 Comments 0 tags

University of Pennsylvania’s study of living physics is well known. They study theoretical and computational approaches from physics, information theory, and computer science; the goal is to understand neural circuits

Quantum AI @ NASA Ames

November 3, 2022 0 Comments 0 tags

This photo shows Electra, NASA’s supercomputer, which is in research; and sometimes in research with Google. It is a petascale supercomputer; petascale computers perform one quadrillion – that’s one million billion –