At Insted, we introduce interested students to space studies, and courses that will help them excel in this field. We offer custom courses, and guide them through applications to internships, as well as competitions in this field.
Internship opportunities students might like to find out about, include:
- Internships at LeoLabs in Menlo Park, CA
- Space Summer internships at CBRE in Palo Alto, CA
- SpaceX internships
- NASA internships
Space studies are constantly advancing and we try to expose our students to the latest research, for example, the discovery of diamonds on Uranus and Neptune by researchers at Stanford’s Linear Accelerator (SLAC):
Please click here for the article: ‘Diamond rain’ on giant icy planets could be more common than previously thought

- Researchers at SLAC found that oxygen boosts this exotic precipitation, revealing a new path to make nanodiamonds here on Earth. Researchers mimicked the extreme temperatures and pressures found deep inside ice giants Neptune and Uranus and, for the first time, observed diamond rain as it formed.

- At the Matter in Extreme Conditions (MEC) instrument at SLAC’s Linac Coherent Light Source, researchers recreated the extreme conditions found on Neptune and Uranus and observed the formation of diamond rain. (Olivier Bonin/SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)