Trappist-1 Light Model

JWST shows that in Constellation Aquarius, TRAPPIST-1b appears to have a little-to-no atmosphere. Astronomer Bernard Carr noted that this could be due to the existence of primordial black holes which predate the Big Bang. The correlation between radio CHIME and gravity wave LIGO data suggests the neutron star origin of some FRBs. In their 2019 paper, Geophysical assessment of habitability for the TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets, astronomers Vera Dobos and Ammy Barr Minar estimated the masses and radii of the seven planets orbiting the ultracool M-dwarf TRAPPIST-1 star. Their model had updated compositions of heating by tidal dissipation and removal of tidal heat by solid-state convection. 

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