We incorporate hands-on learning interviews with scientists, collaborative learning, robots, and fun in our classes.

Due to the pandemic, we have virtual and custom classes in Physics, Math, Biology, and all STEM subjects.

Stay tuned to our in-person re-opening plan!

We plan to incorporate Aero-Astro, and Mechanical Engineering classes near the Palo Alto airport.

Palo Alto airport is near Palo Alto’s 1940 acre Bayland Preserve; we plan to incorporate Ecology Classes and Climate Change Studies.

Insted students will learn to design new and novel ways where we can preserve wetlands across America. They will also have opportunities to volunteer to preserve the Bayland Preserve.

Our Newsletter will resume in October 2022. Please join our mailing list by emailing stem@insted.org

We hope to offer scholarships to low-income students starting January 2023. To apply for a scholarship for a Middle School or High School student, please email: scholarships@insted.org

Insted Classes at Stanford Varian Physics Building

before the pandemic:

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